What is floatation therapy?

Discover the benefits of doing nothing.

Floatation therapy is a scientifically proven method of reducing stress, speeding up recovery, and it has the potential to rewire your brain.

Unlock the power of your mind

What is the mind capable of? Back in the 1950s, this motivated neuroscientist, Dr John C Lilly, to create the first floatation tank; a space without light, sound, or external stimulation.

Dr Lilly discovered that not only did one's mind stay conscious while floating, it focused its powers inwards, helping to harmonise and regulate internal functions, producing a profound sense of relaxation and rest.

Enter a cocoon of peaceful stillness

Your journey unfolds in your private float pod. Thanks to almost 600 kg of Epsom salt dissolved in the water, you can float effortlessly.

Let go completely as your mind slows down and enters a meditative state, while your body recovers rapidly from aches, injuries, and stress.


heated water




of Epsom Salt


water depth

The benefits


Reduce stress and anxiety

Floating significantly lowers stress chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline, sending you into deep relaxation.

Boost mental clarity and focus

Examine any situation uninterrupted as you free your mind from distraction. Every session trains you to get into a state of flow and deeper focus.

Enhance learning

B cognitive performance, memory and intellectual functioning.

Boost creativity and problem solving

Floating fast tracks your brain into theta state. This state of mind gives you access to your subconscious, where you can discover new insights and creative inspiration.

Break habits or addictions

Without distraction, your mind becomes more receptive to new ideas, making it easier to decondition and unfreeze old beliefs.


Reduce pain

Speed up healing, promote muscle repair, and lower your blood pressure. As you float weightless, your blood circulation improves significantly.

Speed up muscle recovery

Speed up your recovery in between workouts. The gravity-free environment reduces lactic acid and inflammation.

Improve sleep and reduce jetlag

As you clear out stress chemicals and reduce tension, your quality of sleep improves. Some experience the equivalent of four hours of sleep in just one hour of floating.


Deepen your meditation practice

In this unique environment, floating can help you to access a prolonged theta state, which normally takes years of meditation to get to.

Practise effective visualisation

Without distraction, you can now focus on visualisation to improve work, school, or athletic performance. Train your nervous system to produce the ‘perfect performance’.

Strengthen your mind-body connection

Examine your inner landscape uninterrupted, reflecting on how your emotions manifest in physical tension, and more.

A nourishing formula for deep relaxation

Soaking in Epsom salt also benefits your health. Easily absorbed through the skin, it helps to replenish your magnesium levels, which promotes better sleep and reduces stress.

It also lowers physical fatigue by reducing inflammation and boosting circulation.

Ease into a new kind of flow state

In a world that is over-stimulated and overworked, floatation provides a rare chance to slow down and meditate.  

Our six pods are built for your comfort. Enjoy the privacy of your own room, with a float pod and shower inside. Read our FAQ for more.

Begin your journey